VMWorld 2015 (7. Mai 2015)

The IT kangurus of the world migrated to San Francisco for the virtualization event of the year – and so did Q5

VMworld is a global conference for virtualization and cloud computing, hosted by VMware. It is the largest virtualization-specific event and this year it was held in California on August 30 to September 3rd.

VMworld and its opportunities

A majority of VMworld visitors have a specific goal in mind puttygen download , they are usually looking for a set of solutions to fill a gap in their current IT infrastructure projects or business objectives. Similar to going to the grocery store, VMworld is the ultimate place to find what you need.

The conference lasts several days days and is divided into breakout sessions, panels, exhibit hall, and hands-on labs

VMware started off the annual VMworld conference in San Francisco with news announcements regarding everything from new open-source tools to a new “intelligent automation engine” for making the best use of companies’ data center equipment. Other companies, including Q5 AG, interested in promoting their company and products, made announcements, too.

The VMWorld Conferences draws a lot of people, who are all paying attention. More than 23,000 visitors came to the Moscone Center for the event, and more than 50,000 people were live streaming today’s keynote. Truly proving that it is one of the largest events in the world of enterprise technology. Thus it was of extreme importance for Q5 AG to attend this event Canada Lookup Telephone Numbers , to set a foot, and leave a mark in the enterprise technology world.

The event brings together leaders, experts, and IT professionals to immerse themselves in the latest technology and to realize value in our, and others, products. In the Solutions Exchange, visitors have the chance to review the latest competitive solutions side-by-side with sponsors and exhibitors, and to separate the hype from reality when making purchasing decisions. Thus, Q5 AG set up a stand in the solution exchange to meet potential new partners and engage with potential customers.